Range: lowlands to 2000 meters of southcentral South America (Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina)
Habitat: grassy plains, open brush

Range: lowlands and mountains to 3300 meters of australian region (New Guinea, Aru Is., northeastern Australia)
Habitat: humid forest, edge, especially near streams

Range: Australia
Habitat: plains, scrub, open woodland, coastal heath, alpine pastures, semi-desert

Range: New Zealand
Habitat: forest, scrub, overgrown farmland

Range: Argentina and Chile
Habitat: dry savanna, open woodland, dry steppes

Now common in coastal areas of the southern United States, the fish-eating brown pelican was decimated by pesticide poisoning in the 1960s.
Range: coasts of americas (California to Ecuador and Maryland to Venezuela)
Habitat: seacoasts, estuaries, bays, islands

A fish-eating bird, the double-crested cormorant needs to dry its wings after swimming since it lacks the waterproof oil that most waterbirds protect their feathers with.
Range: North America
Habitat: lakes, rivers, swamps, seacoasts

Common in Africa, and recently colonizing North America, the aptly-named cattle egret follows livestock.
Range: Worldwide, except polar regions
Habitat: wet fields, marshes, swamps, pastures, grassland, often associated with grazing large animals

Range: Mexico to northern Argentina
Habitat: ponds and streams in humid forest, marshes, mangroves

Young Little Blue Herons are completely white, resembling an egret, but molt into their more familiar blue and purple adult feathers.
Range: Northern United States to Uruguay
Habitat: marshes, ponds, lakes, meadows, streams, mangroves
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