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Maned Wolf

Chrysocyon brachyurus

Description: The maned wolf stands about three feet tall at the shoulder and weighs about 50 pounds. It looks like a long-legged fox, with a reddish-brown coat and a mane along its back. Its ears are large and long (7 inches), its throat and tip of the tail are white, and its legs are mostly dark.

Range: This wolf lives in central and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay, eastern Bolivia, and northern Argentina.

Habitat: The maned wolf inhabits open forest, savanna, and marshland.

Diet: Maned wolves are omnivorous, eating small mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, bird eggs, fruits, and vegetation.

Threats to Survival: Habitat destruction is the main threat to maned wolves. They have almost no natural enemies, but nevertheless are in great danger because they needs wide, uninterrupted spaces. In addition, people kill these wolves for their body parts, believed to have magical properties.

Fun Facts
Maned wolves rotate their large ears to listen for prey animals in the grass. They tap the ground with a front foot to flush out the prey and pounce to catch it.

Maned wolves are monogomous. Though the male and female generally live solitary lives and come together only during the breeding season, they share defended territories.

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