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LocationThe national park is located along the central flow of the Dyje River between the towns of Znojmo and Vranov nad Dyjí, close to the border with Austria.

AreaNational park 63 km2, protected zone 29 km2.

HistoryIt was proclaimed a protected landscape area in 197Because of the fact that a major part belonged to the border area with Austria, it was closed to the public till 198Due to the rare scientific qualities of the area, the Podyjí National Park was established here in 199A similar protected area, the Thayatal National Park, with its centre in Hardegg, will be established in the Austrian border area on 1 January 200A unique bilateral protected area of European significance will then be established here.

The highest point
Býčí skála (Bull Rock) in Vranov nad Dyjí (563 m above sea level)

The lowest point
the Dyje River in Znojmo (207 m above sea level)

NatureThe national park represents a rare preserved landscape in the valley, which is situated in the upland altitudinal zone of the central Europe with a large number of flora and fauna species and with native forest growth. The deep valley of the Dyje River with a number of meanders, along which stone seas, various rock formations and cliffs are located, marks the centre of this area. You can find here unique moor and steppe areas with rare thermophile plants and insect species. A so called "valley phenomenon", which results from a mutual infiltration of thermopile lowland flora and fauna from southeast with the foothills ones from the west, occurs here.

Nature interests of the national park
Braitava, Býčí hora (Bull Mountain), Býčí skála (Bull Rock), Čížovský rybník (Cizov Fishpond), the Dyje River, Hamerské vrásy, Havranické vřesoviště (Havranicke Moor), Hradišťské terasy (Hradistske Ledges), Kraví hora (Cow Mountain), Ledové sluje (Ice Caves), Mločí potok (Salamander Spring), Nový Hrádek (New Small Castle), a deserted meander near Ledové sluje, Seasfieldův kámen (Seasfield Stone), Šobes. More information can be obtained in the Administration Office Information Centre.

Main tourist centres
Close to the Czech part of the national park, some significant towns are located, which are also important tourist crossing points and offer accommodation and food services of a good standard, among them Znojmo, Vranov nad Dyjí, Moravské Budějovice and more distant Moravský Krumlov and Brno.

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