
Isis wandered over the land collecting each piece of Osiris with the help of her sister Nepthys. They managed to retrieve all of the pieces of the body, except one. Osiris was mummified and buried in a secret location that only Isis knew about. Finally able to enter the afterlife, Osiris' spirit passed into Amenti to rule over the dead. Though defeated, Seth was not destroyed and so Osiris still sleeps in his grave, waiting for the day when his son will finally slay his uncle and free his father.
The major gods of the Egyptian pantheon :
Amun was one of the most powerful gods in Egyptian mythology. At one time, he was seen as king of all gods. Due to the aged appearance of the ram headed man, the Egyptians came to believe that this had been his original form.
Horus is the god of the sky and is depicted as a falcon-headed man. He is the son of Osiris and Isis.Isis
Isis, a mortal endowed with godly power, is the goddess of magic and protector of the needy. Isis was the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.Osiris has differerent appearances, one of them shows him as the god of the underworld. He is husband of Isis and father of Horus.
Ra, the sun god, was believed to be swallowed up by the sky goddess Nut every evening and re-born the next morning. He is often pictured as a hawk-headed man wearing a sun-disk encircled by a uraeus as a headdress.Seth, the god of chaos, was one of the most famous gods. He murdered his brother Osiris out of jealousy, trapping him in the underworld.
Sekhmet, the lion-headed woman with a sun-disk and uraeus serpent headdress was the goddess of war.
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